Blue Team Tools [Master]

Blueteam Tools


Welcome to the Blue Team Tools resource center. This curated list is your go-to guide for defensive cybersecurity tools that help you protect, detect, and respond to threats. Whether you’re new to cybersecurity or a seasoned defender, these resources are essential for your security toolkit.

Adversary Emulation

All-In-One Tools

  • :hammer_and_wrench: CimSweep - CIM/WMI-based tools for IR and hunting on Windows.
  • :rocket: Cyber Triage - Fast and forensically-sound incident response.
  • :door: Doorman - osquery fleet manager.
  • :eagle: Falcon Orchestrator - Incident management and response automation platform.
  • :ocean: GRR Rapid Response - Remote live forensics for incident response.
  • :honeybee: TheHive - Scalable, open-source and free Security Incident Response Platform.

Evidence Collection

  • :package: bulk_extractor - Digital forensics tool which extracts PII and other interesting information.
  • :star2: CyLR - Fast tool to collect forensic artifacts.
  • :fire_engine: ir-rescue - Comprehensive Windows incident response script.
  • :open_book: Live Response Collection - Collection of scripts for gathering forensic evidence.

File Management and Text Editing

  • :package: 7-Zip - File archiver with a high compression ratio.
  • :open_book: Notepad++ - Free source code editor and Notepad replacement.

Memory Analysis Tools

  • :brain: AVML - Volatile memory acquisition tool.
  • :seedling: Evolve - Web interface for Volatility.
  • :lemon: LiME - Loadable Kernel Module (LKM) for volatile memory acquisition.
  • :milky_way: Rekall - Memory forensic framework.
  • :milky_way: Volatility - Advanced memory forensics framework.

Network Analysis

  • :globe_with_meridians: Wireshark - Widely-used network protocol analyzer.

Log Analysis Tools

  • :scroll: APT Hunter - Threat hunting tool for windows event logs.
  • :axe: Chainsaw - Rapid searching and identification of threats in Windows event logs.
  • :lizard: Log Parser Lizard - GUI for Microsoft Logparser.
  • :memo: Sigma - Generic signatures for log events.
  • :mag: SysmonSearch - Web application to search event logs collected by Sysmon.


Incident Management

  • :rotating_light: Cyphon - Incident management and response platform.
  • :wolf: DFTimewolf - Tool for orchestrating forensic collection, processing, and data export.
  • :rocket: Fast Incident Response (FIR) - Cyber incident management platform.
  • :ticket: RTIR - Incident handling system.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Shuffle - General-purpose security automation platform.

Remote Management

  • :file_cabinet: WinSCP - Popular free SFTP and FTP client for Windows.
  • :satellite: Putty - Free SSH and telnet client for Windows.

System Monitoring

  • :card_index_dividers: Autoruns - Shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login.
  • :male_detective: Procmon - Advanced monitoring tool for Windows.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Process Hacker - Multi-purpose tool that helps you monitor system resources.
  • :memo: Regshot - Registry compare utility that takes snapshots.

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