Student Cybersecurity Project Resources [Masterlist]

Student Cybersecurity Resources


Welcome, students! This resource list is tailored to help you navigate the educational landscape of cybersecurity. From scholarships to student-friendly tools, find everything you need to kickstart your cybersecurity journey here.

  • 100-redteam-projects: A collection of red teaming challenges, ranging from OSINT, web application attacks, to binary exploitation.
  • OWASP WebGoat: A deliberately insecure web application maintained by OWASP designed to teach web application security lessons.
  • Root Me: A platform that offers hacking challenges and simulations, allowing users to test and improve their hacking skills.
  • PicoCTF: A free computer security game targeted at middle and high school students with challenges inspired by real-world vulnerabilities.
  • Hack The Box: An online platform to test and advance your skills in penetration testing and cybersecurity.
  • TryHackMe: An online platform that teaches cybersecurity through short, gamified real-world labs.
  • OverTheWire: A platform that offers war games to help hackers learn and practice security concepts.
  • Juice Shop: One of the most modern and sophisticated insecure web applications for security training, awareness demos, and CTFs. It’s also an excellent platform for testing XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
  • Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA): An open-source web application that helps security enthusiasts to learn application security.

:warning: Always remember to practice ethical hacking. Use these resources responsibly and ensure you have the necessary permissions when testing on platforms not designed for it.

:speech_balloon: Contribute to the Student Cybersecurity Resources List!
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:link: Check out our full resource masterlist