Cybersecurity Podcasts!

Cybersecurity Podcasts


Tune in to the ever-changing world of cybersecurity with our handpicked list of podcasts. Whether you’re commuting, working out, or just relaxing, these podcasts will keep you informed and entertained.

:studio_microphone: Cybersecurity Insights :studio_microphone:

  • Cyber Work β€” Exploring the nuances of cybersecurity careers and industry insights.
  • InfoSec Real β€” Real-world discussions on the latest cybersecurity trends and challenges.
  • InfoSec Live β€” Live interviews and discussions with top professionals in the cybersecurity field.
  • Simply Cyber β€” Guiding cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts through the evolving landscape of the industry.
  • Life of a CISO β€” Insights from the perspective of Chief Information Security Officers.
  • 2 Cyber Chicks β€” Women in cybersecurity discussing challenges and opportunities in the field.
  • The Shellsharks Podcast β€” Diving deep into the world of cybersecurity, exploring challenges and solutions.
  • The Virtual CISO Moment β€” Insights and advice from virtual Chief Information Security Officers.
  • The Cyber Ranch Podcast β€” A blend of cybersecurity discussions, from basics to advanced topics.
  • The Cyber Tap (cyberTAP) β€” Tapping into the pulse of the cybersecurity industry and its latest trends.

:studio_microphone: Cybersecurity Discussions & Interviews :studio_microphone:

:studio_microphone: Tech & Cybersecurity News :studio_microphone:

  • Click Here β€” Delving into the latest tech news with a focus on cybersecurity implications.
  • Defrag This β€” A comprehensive look at IT and tech, emphasizing security and risk management.
  • Security Now β€” Weekly updates on the most pressing issues in the cybersecurity world.
  • CyberWire Daily β€” Daily updates on cybersecurity news and events.

:studio_microphone: Application & Web Security :studio_microphone:

  • OWASP Podcast β€” Insights from the creators of the OWASP Top 10, covering web application security.
  • The XSS Rat β€” Exploring vulnerabilities in web applications and how to defend against them.

:studio_microphone: Cyber Threats & Defense :studio_microphone:

  • Monica Talks Cyber β€” Conversations about the latest cyber threats and defense strategies.
  • Risky Business β€” A deep dive into the business side of cybersecurity, analyzing risks and opportunities.
  • Malicious Life β€” Exploring the history and evolution of cyber threats and malware.
  • H4unt3d Hacker β€” Discussions on the latest hacking techniques and defense strategies.

:studio_microphone: Human Element in Cybersecurity :studio_microphone:

  • Hacking Humans β€” Understanding the human element in cybersecurity and how social engineering attacks unfold.
  • What The Shell β€” Discussions about the broader implications of cybersecurity on society.
  • Hacker Valley Studio Podcast β€” Exploring the human side of cybersecurity, from psychology to social engineering.

:studio_microphone: Advanced Cybersecurity Techniques :studio_microphone:

:studio_microphone: Cloud & Infrastructure Security :studio_microphone:

  • Day Cyberwox β€” Exploring cloud security techniques and guides.

:speech_balloon: Contribute to the Cybersecurity Podcasts List!
If you have a podcast recommendation or feedback on the current list, we’d love to hear from you. Please share your suggestions below or directly contribute by editing the Wiki!
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