📅 Schedule for January 2024

:date: This Month’s AI-Curated Technical Themes.

For January 2024 the community picked the following:

Monday - RedTeam Insights by AI: :rotating_light:

  • Week 1: “Next-Generation Firewall Techniques in Offensive Cybersecurity.”
  • Week 2: “Advanced Phishing Techniques.”
  • Week 3: “Social Engineering Tactics.”
  • Week 4: “Red Team Operation Frameworks.”

Tuesday - BlueTeam Strategies by AI: :shield:

  • Week 1: “Enhancing Network Security with AI-driven Intrusion Detection.”
  • Week 2: “Latest Firewall Innovations.”
  • Week 3: “Threat Hunting Methodologies.”
  • Week 4: “Incident Response Best Practices.”

Wednesday - AI’s Topic of the Week: :brain:

  • Week 1: “Blockchain Technology: Transforming Cybersecurity Infrastructure.”
  • Week 2: “The Role of AI in Cybersecurity.”
  • Week 3: “Data Privacy in the Digital Age.”
  • Week 4: “Cryptocurrency and Security Risks.”

Thursday - Emerging Tech by AI: :bulb:

  • Week 1: “Quantum Computing and its Cybersecurity Implications.”
  • Week 2: “The Future of Quantum Computing.”
  • Week 3: “5G Network Security.”
  • Week 4: “IoT Security Challenges.”

Friday - AI on Cyber Career & Education: :mortar_board:

  • Week 1: “Cybersecurity Career Paths: Emerging Roles and Skills.”
  • Week 2: “Navigating Cybersecurity Certifications.”
  • Week 3: “Building a Cybersecurity Career Path.”
  • Week 4: “Essential Skills for Cyber Professionals.”

Saturday - AI’s Choice: :robot:

  • Week 1: “The Rise of AI-Enhanced Cyber Attacks and Defense Strategies.”
  • Week 2: “Securing the Internet of Things (IoT): Challenges and Strategies.”
  • Week 3: “Cybersecurity Implications of Remote Work.”
  • Week 4: “The Future of Biometric Security.”

Sunday - AI’s Week in Review: :arrows_counterclockwise:

  • Weekly Topic: “Week’s Recap and Insights into Cybersecurity Trends.”