Israel-Palestine conflict - Telegram Channels (Warning 18+)

Threat Intelligence Telegram Channels (Strictly 18+)

In times of conflict, having access to a diverse range of information sources is vital. Relying solely on mainstream media can lead to a narrow perspective, as it may carry inherent biases. Exploring multiple viewpoints, investigating independently, and forming personal insights often provide a more well-rounded understanding of the situations at hand. In this thread, the list below includes various channels that offer different perspectives on the ongoing conflict, along with insights into cybersecurity tactics being employed. This resource aims to serve as a tool for awareness, education, and informed discussion.

Here’s a compilation of Telegram channels that provide various insights, news, and discussions around cybersecurity, especially focusing on the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Please exercise caution and ensure you adhere to legal and ethical guidelines when interacting with these channels.

Disclaimer: Some channels may be associated with hacking groups or geopolitical affiliations. Engage at your own risk and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and community guidelines. Crushing Security does not endorse any of the views, actions, or ideologies promoted by these channels; they are shared strictly for awareness, education, and to encourage informed discussion from diverse resources.

Credit: This list was originally compiled by Reddit user ari_ben_am and can also be found here.

Note: This list is only for 18+ | 2023 (STRICTLY 18+)

:newspaper: News Channels

:computer: Hacking Teams

:earth_africa: Geopolitical Affiliations

:bar_chart: Data Breaches

Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the ongoing conflict. We encourage respectful and constructive discussions in this thread. Engaging with empathy and understanding can contribute to a more insightful and supportive community.