Greetings from Steve - The Force Behind Crushing Security

Hello Crushing Security Community,

I’m Steve, the familiar face behind Crushing Security. Whether you’re a long-standing member or a newcomer to the cybersecurity realm, I’m thrilled to connect with you.

:mortar_board: A Bit of Background: My immersion into computer and information security began during my university years where I studied a Cybersecurity degree. Those years were my stepping stone into the professional world, where I’ve had the chance to work with both big corporations and cool startups.

:male_detective: Day-to-Day Stuff: I’ve spend much of my days tracking down cyber threats, coming up with new ways to spot them, and helping to train the next generation of cybersecurity pros. I’ve also earned some badges along the way, like the OSCP, which I’m pretty proud of.

:bulb: What’s Crushing Security All About?: It’s not just a side project or a business venture; it’s a mission. We’re here to change the way people think about cybersecurity. And it’s not just about tech; it’s about how tech impacts our financial well-being. We’re not just a library of tools and how-tos; we’re a bridge between knowing and doing.

:earth_africa: The Vision: The digital world is always changing, and so are the risks that come with it. The best way to protect ourselves is to stay ahead of the game. Here at Crushing Security, we’re not just playing defense; we’re empowering all members to stay ahead in the field.

:handshake: Why Am I Here? Connecting with the community. Whether you’re a seasoned pro, someone with little knowledge that wishes to learn how to protect their digital assets, or somewhere in between, I’m here to chat, share, and grow with you. Your questions, ideas, and feedback are what guide us on this journey to redefine digital safety.

I warmly invite you to accompany me and the Crushing Security team on this journey. Let’s work together to shape the future of cybersecurity, make the digital world a safer place, and have some fun while we’re at it!

:beers: Cheers to new beginnings and helping the world stand strong against malicious actors!
